
What is Byte in Computer

What is Byte in Computer

What is Byte in Computer 

A collection of eight bits is called Byte. Which represent a particular character or symbols normally a byte consist of a bits.  The base of byte is eight which is represent Capital Letter “B”. Many types of data store in byte.
Example – Word, Letter, Numbers and etc.The Capacity of byte store data in 8 bits.

Types of Byte

There are many types of Byte are also available in different size and with different capacity. They may be particularized as.

1.  Kilobyte     (KB)

2.  Megabyte (MB)

3.  Gigabyte   (GB)

4.  Terabyte   (TB)

5.  Petabyte   (PB)

6.  Exabyte     (EB)

7.  Zettabyte  (ZB)

8.  Yottabyte  (YB)

Kilobyte (KB)

Kilobyte ( KB) is a collection of one thousand twenty four (1024) bytes. Kilobyte storing capacity of 1024 bytes which is represents Capital Letter “k”. KB Is the smallest unit of measurement greater then a byte. A Kilobyte is 1024 bytes.

Megabyte (MB)

Megabyte (MB) is a collection of one thousand twenty four (1024) Kilobytes. Megabyte storing capacity is 1024 Kilobyte. Megabyte symbol is “MB”. Megabyte is a unit of digital information and media storage. A Megabyte is 1048576 bytes.

Gigabyte (GB)

Gigabyte is collection of one thousand twenty four (1024) Megabyte the storing capacity of gigabyte is 1024 megabyte. Gigabyte is a unit of digital information and media storage. We can store many types of data in gigabyte like a Text file, video file, Audio file, photos and much more. A Gigabyte is 1073741824 bytes and 1024 Megabyte.

Terabyte (TB)

Terabyte is collection of one thousand twenty four (1024) Gigabyte the storing capacity of Terabyte 1024 Gigabyte. Terabyte is a unit of digital information and media storage. We can store Large amount of data and commonly use in Desktop or personal computer  many types of data in terabyte store like a Text file, video file, Audio file, photos and much more. A Terabyte is 1099511627776 bytes.

Petabyte (PB)

Petabyte is collection of one thousand twenty four (1024) Terabyte the storing capacity of Petabyte 1024 terabyte. Petabyte is a unit of digital information and media storage. We can store large amount of data and not commonly use in Desktop or personal computer many types of data in petabyte store like a Text file, video file, Audio file, photos and much more. A petabyte is 1125899906842624 bytes.

Exabyte (EB)

Exabyte is collection of one thousand twenty four (1024) petabyte the storing capacity of Exabyte 1024 petabyte. Exabyte is a unit of digital information and media storage. We can store large amount of data and not commonly use in Desktop or personal computer because Exabyte is used in media company then Exabyte is very costly not afford to buy someone. Many types of data in Exabyte store like a Text file, video file, Audio file, photos and much more .  An Exabyte is 1152921504606846976 bytes.

Zettabyte (ZB)

Zettabyte is collection of one thousand twenty four (1024) Exabyte the storing capacity of Zettabyte 1024 Exabyte. Zettabyte is a unit of digital information and media storage. We can store large amount of data and not commonly use in Desktop or personal computer because zettabyte is used in media company then zettabyte is very costly not afford to buy someone. Many types of data in Zettabyte store like a Text file, video file, Audio file, photos and much more .  A Zettabyte is 1180591620717411303424 bytes.

Yottabyte (YB)

Yottabyte is collection of one thousand twenty four (1024) Zettabyte the storing capacity of Yottabyte 1024 Zettabyte. Yottabyte is a unit of digital information and media storage. We can store large amount of data and not commonly use in Desktop or personal computer because Yottabyte is used in media company then Yottabyte is very costly not afford to buy someone. Many types of data in Zettabyte store like a Text file, video file, Audio file, photos and much more .  A Yottabyte is 1208925819614629174706176 bytes.


A Kilobyte is 1024 bytes.

A Megabyte is 1048576 bytes.

A Gigabyte is 1073741824 bytes.

A Terabyte is 1099511627776 bytes.

A petabyte is 1125899906842624 bytes.

An Exabyte is 1152921504606846976 bytes.

A Zettabyte is 1180591620717411303424 bytes.

A Yottabyte is 1208925819614629174706176 bytes.

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